Thursday 25 April 2013

Learning In Other Contexts

Learning happens everywhere and anywhere, but it is important to allow children to gain an experience of learning in other contexts which are outside the classroom. The Welsh Assembly Government (2007) believe that it is important for children to gain knowledge and understanding of the natural environment through exploring by themselves, therefore it is emphasised that children go and explore within their surroundings.

There are many places where children can learn other than in a classroom, these include forest schools and school trips to various different places. This enables the child to learn while at the same time have fun.

Further evidence appears from the Welsh Assembly Government (2007) who states that the visits which have been arranged should be inspiring where the children are able to involve themselves in a safe, lively and enjoyable manner.

Learning in other contexts other than the classroom allows children to develop a number of skills which will be used in their everyday life.  It also physically engages them into learning, where they believe that they are having fun. It allows them to express their ideas and opinions, gain knowledge in a certain topic area, work as a team, communicate and gain confidence. Therefore we can see that many skills from learning in other contexts are further developed.

A forest school is an important part to education, where many schools now have an area within the school setting, or nearby, where teachers take children out to this area. Within this area, children are encouraged to explore and use the natural settings around them, where they learn for themselves and really get involved.

This picture shows young learners out in the natural environment where they are using the materials around them in order to learn and develop their knowledge.

From my experience of being able to learn in other contexts, I feel that children pick up a lot of information when they are able to involve themselves into different activities. Having visited museums with Swansea, I have found out that many places which do offer various different learning areas are connected together with one another. They have then formed a program which enables young children within the Foundation Phase and KS2 to visit different places as part of their work areas within the classroom.

The reason I have included this video is because two early years advisors explain the importance of the outdoor environment, where they take the fun outdoors. The video points out that there is not any area of the curriculum which you can’t take to the outdoor environment, children can take skills which they learn inside and take them outdoors and vice versa which shows that transferable skills are being developed. This clip shows an adventure which the young children are experiencing, where it is fun, hands on and improving and developing many skills and knowledge. 

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