Thursday 25 April 2013


My Name is Laura and I am studying a joint degree of Psychology and Education studies in Swansea Metropolitan University. The purpose of this blog is for part of an assessment of '21st Century Learning', where we have been asked to look into four different contexts where young children learn other than the classroom setting.

Below you will find four posts, all of which are a different context which are available today.

The first post within this blog looks at other contexts where children can learn, these being forest schools and school trips, where children are able to go to a place which is within a topic that is being taught in school and see different materials/items which are related.

The second post within this blog looks at Maria Montessori, and the education approach that she put forward during her life. The post looks at the approach in terms of what it has to offer to young children.

The third post that I have included is the Foundation Phase, which is the new curriculum in Wales for children age 3-7. I have looked at the seven core areas within the curriculum and how these are developed as young children work through the framework.

My final post is about play, and how children learn through the process of play in terms of what skills they develop. 

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